Monday, April 19, 2010

You're Lucky I'm Sick Today, Internet!

Well, World-Wide-Web, seeing as I'm feeling "under the weather" and will not be going near anyone's food today, I figure it will do me well to post as much here as possible. That way, I can feel like I did something productive with my day, and perhaps there will actually be something for all my friends to look at when I excitedly announce, "Hey, guys! I joined the internet!". This is big news, you see, since my friends think it's adorable that I'm still discovering new web comics and am still in complete awe of how many cat pictures/videos are contained within this vast network. Anyway, have a picture of a zombie cake. This was a red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting; it bled red raspberry "goo" when cut. Halloween is, by far, my favorite cake-making holiday, and this was, by far, my favorite Halloween cake.

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