Friday, May 7, 2010

Yay! Cupcakes!

I've decided to feature cupcakes, instead of full-sized cakes on the blog for a while. Why? Well, why not?!? Ok, that may just be the painkillers talking, but it seems like a decently solid idea.

The definite upside to maiming myself is that I get to ride those ridiculous motorized carts through the grocery store. To my amazement and delight, they even make the "truck-backing-up" beep while you are going backward. I can totally see why people order "Rascals", and then never bother to walk again. These things are amazing! Plus, they seem to wield some sort of unholy power over others. People who would never otherwise move for me scurry around the aisles to avoid me when I am on the cart. Also, it's a great way to make sure that my friends do not want to be seen anywhere near me. All-in-all, it's a brilliant machine.

Well, it's no grocery store power-scooter, but here's today's cake...or, cupcake, rather.

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